April 21, 2015 – Annual Meeting


Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting

Monday, April 21st, 2015 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Mary Lou Jackson, Megan Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt, Liam Keene, Andy Doyle

Call to order 7:07.  Quorum Established.

April 22, 2014 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.

  1. Election of Board Members –
    1. MaryLou Jackson announced the election of 2 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: Chris Boudreaux and Brett Gantt. Nominations were taken from the floor. Brian Alexander was nominated to run.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Liam Keene presented the Balance sheet. Then discussion of how the budget was planned for 2014. The Reserve Account balance as of December 31st, 2014 was $31,662.00
  3. President’s Report: Accomplishments
    1. Chris Boudreaux discussed the accomplishments for the year, including:
      1. Installed steps, swing set, and picnic tables above pool area
      2. Installed picnic tables within the pool fence
      3. Successfully advocated for greenway access trail from Grappenhall Drive
      4. Completed yearly maintenance projects for the pool to operate in 2015
      5. Installed new aluminum handrail at pool entrance
      6. Discussed the impending replacement of shrubs between pool house and fence with grass
  4. Future Plans
    1. Brett discussed the wait-and-see approach to the potential purchase of the Henderson Holdings Property after completion of the S. Salem road widening
    2. Discussed in general terms the potential improvements to the pool area, including options ranging from an Olympic sized pool, splash pad, and extension of the steps
    3. Discussed the potential traffic calming measures that could be installed on Grappenhall and/or Applethorn
    4. Previewed new website design
    5. Listed dates for the pool opening, spring party, and closing
  5. Election Results
    1. Brett Gantt, Chris Boudreaux, and Brian Alexander were elected for 3-year terms.

ADJOURN 8:28 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

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