Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting
Monday, April 26th, 2016 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center
Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Mary Lou Jackson, Brian Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt, Andy Doyle
Board Member Absent: Liam Keane
Call to order 7:02. Quorum Established.
April 21, 2015 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.
- Election of Board Members –
- Chris Boudreaux announced the election of 2 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: Shawn Gukelberger and Andy Doyle. Nominations were taken from the floor. No other nominations were heard. Shawn and Andy were elected by acclamation.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Chris Boudreaux presented the Balance sheet and discussed the 2016 budget. The Total Operating Funds balance as of April 30, 2016 was $18,945.72 while the Reserve Account balance was $47,923.40.
- President’s Report: Accomplishments
- Successful effort of Whitehall Manor residents advocating a sidewalk along S. Salem.
- Major pool improvements, including:
- Salt water chlorination for pool
- New railing and fencing at pool entrance
- Expanded/new pool steps & in-pool benches
- New plaster surface and new tile for pool
- General pool house lighting and storage improvements
- New high-efficiency lighting for the main entrance sign
- Several social events, including spring fling, fall festival, welcome baskets
- Preview of new website (whitehallmanorhoa.com)
- Other Topics
- Discussed the neighborhood efforts involving the Apex Peakway crossing, including the letter sent from the HOA to the Town Council and the attendance of the residents at a recent Town Council meeting.
- Discussed on-street parking. The HOA agreed to send a letter to the Whitehall Village HOA concerning parking issues and the shared need to address the problem of parking along Grappenhall.
- Discussed future plans for 2016 including building a ramp for access to the playset behind the pool
ADJOURN 8:15 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.
- Election of Board Members –