April 26, 2016 – Annual Meeting


Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting
Monday, April 26th, 2016 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Mary Lou Jackson, Brian Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt,  Andy Doyle
Board Member Absent: Liam Keane

Call to order 7:02.  Quorum Established.
April 21, 2015 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.

    1. Election of Board Members –
      1. Chris Boudreaux announced the election of 2 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: Shawn Gukelberger and Andy Doyle. Nominations were taken from the floor. No other nominations were heard.  Shawn and Andy were elected by acclamation.
    2. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Chris Boudreaux presented the Balance sheet and discussed the 2016 budget. The Total Operating Funds balance as of April 30, 2016 was $18,945.72 while the Reserve Account balance was $47,923.40.
    3.  President’s Report: Accomplishments
      1. Successful effort of Whitehall Manor residents advocating a sidewalk along S. Salem.
      2.  Major pool improvements, including:
        1. Salt water chlorination for pool
        2. New railing and fencing at pool entrance
        3. Expanded/new pool steps & in-pool benches
        4. New plaster surface and new tile for pool
        5. General pool house lighting and storage improvements
      3. New high-efficiency lighting for the main entrance sign
      4. Several social events, including spring fling, fall festival, welcome baskets
      5. Preview of new website (whitehallmanorhoa.com)
    4. Other Topics
      1. Discussed the neighborhood efforts involving the Apex Peakway crossing, including the letter sent from the HOA to the Town Council and the attendance of the residents at a recent Town Council meeting.
      2. Discussed on-street parking.  The HOA agreed to send a letter to the Whitehall Village HOA concerning parking issues and the shared need to address the problem of parking along Grappenhall.
      3. Discussed future plans for 2016 including building a ramp for access to the playset behind the pool

    ADJOURN 8:15 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

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