April 26, 2018 – Annual Meeting


Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting
Thursday, April 26th, 2018 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Brian Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt,  Andy Doyle, Katey Pauls, Gary Lamach

Members Absent: None

Call to order 7:03.  Quorum Established.
April 27, 2017 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.

    1. Election of Board Members –
      1. Chris Boudreaux announced the election of 3 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: Amanda Fletcher and Michael Beahm. Nominations were taken from the floor. No other nominations were heard.  Amanda and Michael were elected by acclamation.
    2. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Brian Alexander presented the Balance sheet and discussed the 2018 budget. The Total Operating Funds balance is currently $23,753.71 while the Reserve Account balance is at $32,147.41.
      2. Detailed budget items were discussed, including the Reserve Fund change from last year.  This year’s increase in the Reserve Fund reflects no major capital projects from 2017.
      3. Discussed the social budget of $3000 that will fund the pool opening party, fall festival, and planned pop-up parties.
      4. A motion was made to ratify the budget. Seconded. The motion passed.
    3.  President’s Report: Accomplishments
      1.  Reviewed major pool improvements from 2016
        1. Expanded/new pool steps & in-pool benches
        2. New plaster surface and new tile for pool
        3. Pool cover purchased for the winter season
      2. Discussed the 2017 pool improvements
        1. Pool fob and locks updated to enable better tracking of people entering pool and better control of pool hours
        2. Added WiFi to the pool
      3. Discussed the successful pig pickin and chili cookoff from 2017
    4. Goals for 2018
      1. Additional pool improvements
        1. Repair and repaint pool house
        2. Remove grass from pool area and replace with concrete to increase seating area
        3. Landscaping improvements near the pool and entrance
        4. New pool furniture
        5. Signage – the theft of the parking signs last year was discussed including the fact that some of the design of the signs are required by the Apex Police Department in order to patrol the area.
        6. Security cameras
          1. To avoid future thefts or damage to the pool area, the Board has been considering installing two security cameras on flood light on the pool side and parking lot side of the pool house
          2. The conversion with attendees was generally supportive of the cameras as long as privacy concerns are being addressed
      2. Town SQ
        1. Our management company has a new app that integrates billing with other neighborhood features like forums, HOA forms, and potentially an internal website
        2. The Town SQ website was previewed by Chris.
      3. Reminders
        1. May 19th: pool opening
        2. June 9th: pool party where we’ll be grilling Boston butts

    ADJOURN 8:15 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

April 27, 2017 – Annual Meeting


Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting
Monday, April 27th, 2017 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Brian Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt,  Andy Doyle, Liam Keane

Members Absent: Mary Lou Jackson

Call to order 7:06.  Quorum Established.
April 26, 2016 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.

    1. Election of Board Members –
      1. Chris Boudreaux announced the election of 2 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: Gary Lamach and Katey Pauls. Nominations were taken from the floor. No other nominations were heard.  Gary and Katey were elected by acclamation.
    2. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Liam Keane presented the Balance sheet and discussed the 2017 budget. The Total Operating Funds balance as of April 30, 2017 was $23,053.65 while the Reserve Account balance was $16,594.67.
      2. Detailed budget items were discussed, including the Reserve Fund change from last year
    3.  President’s Report: Accomplishments
      1.  Reviewed Major pool improvements, including:
        1. Expanded/new pool steps & in-pool benches
        2. New plaster surface and new tile for pool
        3. Off season cover
        4. Passed inspected for proper electrical grounding
        5. Bike rack
      2. Signage: no trespassing sign for pool
      3. Discussed the fobs for the pool and WiFi that will be added for this year’s pool season
      4. Mentioned other topics, including Social Committee’s activities and pool opening and spring party
    4. Other Topics
      1. Discussed goals for 2017, resident mentioned web camera for the pool
      2. Discussed the neighborhood efforts involving the Apex Peakway, residents requested the Board coming up with talking points for the neighborhood, traffic-calming speed-bumps, google forum, there were concerned about the back entrance (Whitehall Village) and that they need to be contacted by the Board to be aware of the intersection, the Board has agreed to send letters to all of the residents with a summary of the issue and the talking points, encouraged residents to attend Town Council meeting, encouraged residents to attend meeting about highway 55 widening
      3. Residents suggested a neighborhood Twitter account
      4. Reminders
        1. Need architectural requests to be submitted to Board
        2. Join a committee
        3. Spread trash cans
        4. On-street parking has strict rules

    ADJOURN 8:15 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

April 26, 2016 – Annual Meeting


Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting
Monday, April 26th, 2016 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Mary Lou Jackson, Brian Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt,  Andy Doyle
Board Member Absent: Liam Keane

Call to order 7:02.  Quorum Established.
April 21, 2015 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.

    1. Election of Board Members –
      1. Chris Boudreaux announced the election of 2 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: Shawn Gukelberger and Andy Doyle. Nominations were taken from the floor. No other nominations were heard.  Shawn and Andy were elected by acclamation.
    2. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Chris Boudreaux presented the Balance sheet and discussed the 2016 budget. The Total Operating Funds balance as of April 30, 2016 was $18,945.72 while the Reserve Account balance was $47,923.40.
    3.  President’s Report: Accomplishments
      1. Successful effort of Whitehall Manor residents advocating a sidewalk along S. Salem.
      2.  Major pool improvements, including:
        1. Salt water chlorination for pool
        2. New railing and fencing at pool entrance
        3. Expanded/new pool steps & in-pool benches
        4. New plaster surface and new tile for pool
        5. General pool house lighting and storage improvements
      3. New high-efficiency lighting for the main entrance sign
      4. Several social events, including spring fling, fall festival, welcome baskets
      5. Preview of new website (whitehallmanorhoa.com)
    4. Other Topics
      1. Discussed the neighborhood efforts involving the Apex Peakway crossing, including the letter sent from the HOA to the Town Council and the attendance of the residents at a recent Town Council meeting.
      2. Discussed on-street parking.  The HOA agreed to send a letter to the Whitehall Village HOA concerning parking issues and the shared need to address the problem of parking along Grappenhall.
      3. Discussed future plans for 2016 including building a ramp for access to the playset behind the pool

    ADJOURN 8:15 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

April 21, 2015 – Annual Meeting


Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting

Monday, April 21st, 2015 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Mary Lou Jackson, Megan Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt, Liam Keene, Andy Doyle

Call to order 7:07.  Quorum Established.

April 22, 2014 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.

  1. Election of Board Members –
    1. MaryLou Jackson announced the election of 2 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: Chris Boudreaux and Brett Gantt. Nominations were taken from the floor. Brian Alexander was nominated to run.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Liam Keene presented the Balance sheet. Then discussion of how the budget was planned for 2014. The Reserve Account balance as of December 31st, 2014 was $31,662.00
  3. President’s Report: Accomplishments
    1. Chris Boudreaux discussed the accomplishments for the year, including:
      1. Installed steps, swing set, and picnic tables above pool area
      2. Installed picnic tables within the pool fence
      3. Successfully advocated for greenway access trail from Grappenhall Drive
      4. Completed yearly maintenance projects for the pool to operate in 2015
      5. Installed new aluminum handrail at pool entrance
      6. Discussed the impending replacement of shrubs between pool house and fence with grass
  4. Future Plans
    1. Brett discussed the wait-and-see approach to the potential purchase of the Henderson Holdings Property after completion of the S. Salem road widening
    2. Discussed in general terms the potential improvements to the pool area, including options ranging from an Olympic sized pool, splash pad, and extension of the steps
    3. Discussed the potential traffic calming measures that could be installed on Grappenhall and/or Applethorn
    4. Previewed new website design
    5. Listed dates for the pool opening, spring party, and closing
  5. Election Results
    1. Brett Gantt, Chris Boudreaux, and Brian Alexander were elected for 3-year terms.

ADJOURN 8:28 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

April 22, 2014 – Annual Meeting

Whitehall Manor HOA Annual Community Meeting

Monday, April 22, 2014 – 7:00pm – C. C. Jones Community Center

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Mary Lou Jackson, Megan Alexander, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Gantt

Board Member Absent: Kelly Catlett

Call to order 7:05

Quorum Established

April 29, 2013 meeting minutes read, nothing in question. Motion to approve. Seconded. The motion passed.

  1. Election of Board Members –
    1. MaryLou Jackson announced the election of 2 new Board members. Two members on the ballot: MaryLou Jackson and Kelly Catlett. Nominations were taken from the floor. Liam Keene was nominated to run.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Brett Gantt presented the Balance sheet. Then discussion of how the budget was planned for 2014. Year end for 2014 the Reserve Account had $26,072.54
    2. 2014 Budget was discussed. Question was raised on whether quotes are obtained. Bids for 2015 insurance will be solicited. 2014 Budget ratified.
  3. Committees
    1. Social – April
      1. Party to be planned for June
      2. Baskets are being delivered to new homeowners.
      3. Need volunteers
    2.  Communications
      1. Need volunteers
    3. Architectural – Chris Boudreaux
      1. Reminded everyone about the HOA website to download architectural approval forms and see the neighborhood standards document and please plan ahead so you have your approval before your start date
  4. Goals
    1. Brett Gantt discussed his involvement in getting the Greenway complete on Grappenhall for access. There is a grade issue that is causing it to be non ADA compliant and the money involved to comply is not in the town budget at this time. Brett will continue with this project.
    2. Eagle Scout is building 2 picnic tables for the pool area and the board will aid in installing slabs
    3. Brett is still working on getting information on the Henderson Holdings Property
    4. Board asked for volunteers to help with cost for enlarging the pool.
  5. Election Results
    1. MaryLou and Liam were nominated to run.

ADJOURN 7:50 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.