January 25 2016

Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, January 25th, 2016 – 7:00pm – 1413 Applethorn Drive

Board Members in Attendance: Mary Lou Jackson, Chris Boudreaux, William Keane, Brett Gantt, Andy Doyle, Shawn Gukelberger

Board Member Absent: Brian Alexander

HRW Representative: Vera Mason

Call to order 7:10

Quorum Established

Open Forum Attendee: none

  1. Approval of Minutes – November 16th, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Operating Fund Balance (end of the year) – $26,807.66.
    2. Reserve Cash Account – $39,933.42.
    3. Total expenses are over budget $946.95.
    4. Net Income is over budget $717.93.
  3. Management Report
    1. Discussed need to get welcome baskets out to new homeowners.
  4. Committees
    1. Social – discussed the potential social events for the year, decided to keep two events per year (spring fling and fall festival)
    2. Communications – no updates at this time
    3. Architectural – 1 request approved
    4. Pool – no updates
  5. New Business
    1. Pool upgrades: decided to put the Olympic sized pool, splash pad, or nothing.  Will discuss with Brian and send out shortly.
    2. Will send out letter of the Peakway Connector.
    3. Entrance lights: will fix box and replace existing lights on the trees with LED lights.
    4. Annual meeting set for April 26th at the CC Jones Building at 7:00 pm.
    5. Pool opening tentatively set for May 14th, spring fling on May 21st.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, March 14, 2016.

Motion made to adjourn at 8:30. Seconded. Motion carried.

November 16 2015

Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, November 16th, 2015 – 7:00pm – 1413 Applethorn Drive

Board Members in Attendance: Mary Lou Jackson, Chris Boudreaux, William Keane, Brett Gantt, Andy Doyle, Brian Alexander

Board Member Absent: Shawn Gukelberger

HRW Representative: Vera Mason

Call to order 7:08

Quorum Established

Open Forum Attendee: none

  1. Approval of Minutes – September 28th, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Operating Fund Balance (end of the year) – $24,082.45.
    2. Reserve Cash Account – $38,553.65.
    3. Total expenses are under budget $1,145.82.
    4. Net Income is over budget $2,763.02.
  3. Management Report
    1. Discussed a few late fees and noted that there were 18 resales this year.
    2. Discussed and voted on the crepe myrtle removal near the pool and planting of a new crepe myrtle to replace the dead tree between the parking lot and the swing set.  Cost for both projects is $395.
  4. Committees
    1. Social – discussed the success of the pool party, need to get welcome baskets out more timely
    2. Communications – whitehallhoa.com now linking to whitehallmanorhoa.com, site development continuing
    3. Architectural – 3 requests approved
    4. Pool
      1. Met with the pool maintenance company to discuss problems with the pool this year.  Will need to check on pool status more closely next year to ensure proper maintenance.
      2. Brian presented the draft pool survey to gauge the neighborhood’s interest in pool upgrade options.  Once finalized we will either add to website or send via email.
  5. New Business
    1. Pool upgrades: In order to have the regularly scheduled pool tiling/drain cover fixes in completed by the 2016 pool opening, Vera/Marylou will get estimates to present at the January 2016 meeting.  She will also get estimates for the expansion of the steps at the shallow end of the pool.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, January 25, 2016.

Motion made to adjourn at 8:30. Seconded. Motion carried.

September 28, 2015

Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, September 28, 2015 – 7:00pm – 1413 Applethorn Drive

Board Members in Attendance: Mary Lou Jackson, Chris Boudreaux, William Keane, Brett Gantt, Shawn Gukelberger, Andy Doyle, Brian Alexander

Board Member Absent: None

HRW Representative: Vera Mason

Call to order 7:05

Quorum Established

Open Forum Attendee: none

  1. Approval of Minutes – August, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Operating Fund Balance (end of the year) – $32,683.43
    2. Reserve Cash Account – $37,174.33
    3. Total expenses are over budget $6.66
    4. Net Income is under budget $1,582.45
  3. Management Report
    1. Discussed late fees, house sales, and the parking on the street issue with a corollary to Haddon Hall.
    2. Reviewed letter to be sent to residents regarding parking rules for the neighborhood.
    3. Discussed issue of barking dogs in the neighborhood.
  4. Committees
    1. Social – Fall Festival occurring on October 17 at 3pm after social committee planning meeting.  Halloween parade will be advertised on social meeting if someone wants to help organize.
    2. Communications – Website continuing to be developed.
    3. Architectural – 3 requests approved
    4. Pool
      1. Discussed the conversion to salt chemistry.  The conversion occurred in early September.
      2. Several board members agreed to meet with pool guy to make sure that next year’s pool work is improved.
      3. Discussed removing the crepe myrtle by the pool.
      4. Will review draft of pool expansion letter when Brian sends to Board.
  5. New Business
    1. Overview of 2016 budget.  Motion made to not to increase fees for next year.  Motion seconded.  Motion carried.  Motion made to approve the 2016 budget.  Motion seconded.  Motion carried.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 16, 2015.

Motion made to adjourn at 8:37. Seconded. Motion carried.

February 2, 2015

Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, February 2, 2015 – 7:00pm – 1413 Applethorn Drive

Board Members in Attendance: Mary Lou Jackson, Chris Boudreaux, Shawn Gukelberger, Brett Ghant, Megan Alexander, Liam Keane

Board Member Absent: Wayne Buckley

HRW Representative: Vera Mason

Call to order 7:06

Quorum Established

Open Forum Attendee: none

  1. Approval of Minutes – Nov. 24, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Operating Fund Balance (end of the year) – $17,082.88
    2. Reserve Cash Account – $31,662.00
    3. Total expenses are over budget $1,713.77
    4. Net Income is under budget $511.29
    5. Over budget $1,275.56
  3. Management Report
    1. 1 homeowner is past due January 2014-January 2015. 7 homeowners past due for July 2014.
    2. 20 homes sold in 2014. 55 new homes since 2012.
    3. Whitehall Village hired HRW to manage the HOA. Brett will write welcome letter to them.
  4. Committees
    1. Greenway – Greenway access paving is complete. Will add some minor landscaping and signage. A sign will state that the entrance is not ADA compliant.
    2. Social – Megan will transition signs and party supplies to Lauren Doyle, who will now head the Social Committee.
    3. Communications
      1. Website still in construction by Brett and a WHM homeowner. Updated Directory will be posted on the website under a password protected portion. Can debut website and demo password portion at the annual meeting.
      2. Welcome bags have been delivered to new neighbors
    4. Architectural – no ARCs submitted
    5. Pool
      1. The pool committee has not met. The rough estimates will be presented at the annual meeting
      2. Pool needs new drain covers and to be plastered/painted before pool season. Look into adding steps across the entire front of the pool and going to salt water
      3. Aluminum fence chosen to replace the wood ramp fence. Will be extended to meet with the black metal fence. Chris made motion. Mary Lou second. Motion carried.
  5. New Business
    1. Swimming Pool – pool was discussed.
    2. Henderson Holding Lot – nothing to report
    3. Vacant Board Position through 4/2016 – Wayne Buckly resigned from the board. The board is looking to appoint a replacement.
    4. Parking – Community Police officer contacted about parking around an intersection
    5. Annual Meeting Date – April 21 or 28 at the CC Jones Building at 7:00


Next Board Meeting: Monday, March 23, 2015

Motion made to adjourn at 8:22. Seconded. Motion carried.