Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, January 22, 2018 – 7:00pm – 1006 Cuddington Ct.
Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Brett Gantt, Shawn Gukelberger, Brian Alexander, Katey Pauls
Board Member Absent: Andy Doyle
HRW Representative: Vera Mason
Call to order 7:09
Quorum Established
Open Forum Attendee: none
- Approval of Minutes – November 27, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Operating Fund Balance – $27,023.76
- Reserve Cash Account – $20,029.64
- Total expenses (year to date) are over budget $590.65
- Net Income is over budget $3,717.74
- Management Report
- 21 homes in 2017 have been sold
- Decided to table the extended parking form and decide the parking on a case-by-case basis
- The crepe myrtles plantings have been delayed due to cold weather
- Christmas decorations were $258 and are now owned by the HOA
- Discussed the pool furniture needs, specifically whether to order more of the same type or different style. We decided to table the discussion
- Committees
- Social: No updates.
- Communications: Discussed incorporating the website to the Town Square application. We’ll have a demo at the March 2018 HOA Board meeting.
- Architectural: One request was approved.
- Pool: Discussed removing the juniper plants near the pool and adding additional paved area for a table and extending the retaining wall. Vera will get quotes.
- New Business
- Vera will get quotes for the pool house repairs and roof cleaning. A change in the pool house paint color was also discussed.
- Decided to convert all pool signs to metal.
Next Board Meeting: Monday, March 26nd, 2018.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:45. Seconded. Motion carried.