May 21, 2018

Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, May 21, 2018 – 7:00pm – 1002 Cuddington Ct.

Board Members in Attendance: Shawn Gukelberger, Katey Pauls, Michael Beahm, Amanda Fletcher, Gary Lamach, Andy Doyle

Board Member Absent: Jim Looney

HRW Representative: Vera Mason

Call to order 7:10

Quorum Established

Open Forum Attendee: none

  1. Approval of Minutes – March 26, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Operating Fund Balance – $21,199.54
    2. Reserve Cash Account – $32,855.85
    3. Total expenses (year to date) 27,846.94 (over budget due to transfer to excess operating funds to reserves)
    4. Net Income is over budget $7,103.06
  3. Management Report
    1. 3 accounts haven’t paid
    2. 4 resales yet this year
    3. 78 owners have joined Town Square
    4. 11 people from Whitehall Village joined pool
  4. Committees
    1. Welcoming Committee: Luke Harris new to welcome basket committee.  Discussion in progress what will be in basket.  Wine will be included.  Budgeted $300.00 for Welcome Baskets. May talk to local vendors to see if they would like to sponsor.
    2. Social: Spring fling party on June 9th.  Planning in progress. Gary and Amanda are working on details. Approved issue Gary $2000 to purchase debit card for social events.  Social committee will meet soon.
    3. Communications: Consolidation of social media discussed.
    4. Architectural: All projects are currently approved.  Noticed 1 homeowner is doing work that is not approved with fence, letter will be sent to rectify situation.
    5. Pool: Approved Shawn $1500 to purchase debit card for repairs to pool house.
  5. Business
    1. Donna Huckle fund to put a planter in by pool house.
    2. Pool signs were discussed and will be put up soon.
    3. Pool furniture was discussed.  Got 15 pool chairs from Abington dropped off for free.  Approved Shawn to buy a $150 gift card as a thank you to the person who donated chairs.  New chairs at tables to be purchased.
    4. Discussion of having pool company take better care of the facilities including cleaning bathrooms better and testing pool water better. Tile in pool needs to be fixed.  Other repairs in discussion.
    5. Discussion of AED at pool house, look into liability and cost.  Looking into new First Aid kit.
    6. Pool house painting complete.  New can lights.  Pool bathrooms in progress of repair.  New mirrors, lights and painting of bathrooms.
    7. Have electrical inspection of pool done.
    8. Officers:
      1. Shawn Gukelberger-President
      2. Andy Doyle- Vice President
      3. Katey Pauls- Secretary
      4. Gary Lamach – Treasurer

Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, July 16st, 2018.

Motion made to adjourn at 8:51. Seconded. Motion carried.

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