Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, May 23rd, 2016 – 7:00pm – 1413 Applethorn Drive
Board Members in Attendance: Mary Lou Jackson, Brett Gantt, Shawn Gukelberger, Andy Doyle
Board Member Absent: Liam Keane, Brian Alexander
HRW Representative: Vera Mason
Call to order 7:08
Quorum Established
Open Forum Attendee: none
- Approval of Minutes – March 16th, 2016 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Operating Fund Balance (end of the year) – $37,553.53
- Reserve Cash Account – $47,931.07.
- Total expenses are over budget $4,353.49. This is due to reserve contribution from operating.
- Net Income is under budget $3,700.00. This is due to electric and mulch work.
- Management Report
- Already discussed small issues.
- Committees
- Social – Delayed spring fling until June 4th.
- Communications – Will not add signs to the entrance of Grappenhall and Peakway for future events.
- Architectural – 1 request approved
- Pool:
- Fill line is damaged. We are planning to fix this after the pool closes this year.
- Walkway fence needs to be fixed where it contacts the main fence. Vera plans to contact Harrison Fence concerning that project, repairing the fence near the base, and the driveway post.
- New Business
- Parking issues. We will contact the local Apex police concerning local parking laws. We’ll also as a Board will begin to chronicle parking violators.
- Soliciting signs. Will table this issue for the full Board.
- Bike parking. Will get cost and location estimates for the next meeting.
Next Board Meeting: Monday, July 25th, 2016.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:30. Seconded. Motion carried.