September 25, 2017

Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, September 25, 2017 – 7:00pm – 1006 Cuddington Ct.

Board Members in Attendance: Chris Boudreaux, Brett Gantt,  Shawn Gukelberger, Katey Pauls, Gary Lamach, Andy Doyle

Board Member Absent: Brian Alexander

HRW Representative: Vera Mason

Call to order 7:04

Quorum Established

Open Forum Attendee: none

Agenda items added: basketball goal in the parking lot-decided to table for now due to potential need for adjustable height goal and limited parking lot size for a goal

  1. Approval of Minutes – July 24, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Operating Fund Balance – $25.368.30
    2. Reserve Cash Account – $16,790.19
    3. Total expenses (year to date) are over budget $382.14
    4. Net Income is under budget $294.09
  3. Management Report
    1. Vera will send email to new homeowner about taking care of the wax myrtles along Grappenhall Dr.
    2. 16 sales this year
    3. The Town Square app has been rolled out, an action item is to promote the app on the website
  4. Committees
    1. Social: Fall festival scheduled for October 21st at 3:00pm. Signs to be put out soon. Welcome baskets may change responsible person
    2. Communications: no updates
    3. Architectural: two requests (one for fence, one for pine tree removal)
    4. Pool: Discussed the need for video surveillance at the pool.  Will put up signs/bulletin boards at the pool.
  5. New Business
    1. Board voted to keep dues consistent with previous years dues.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 27th, 2017.

Motion made to adjourn at 8:45. Seconded. Motion carried.

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