Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, September 26, 2016 – 7:00pm – 1413 Applethorn Drive
Board Members in Attendance: Mary Lou Jackson, Andy Doyle, Shawn Gukelberger, Brian Alexander, Liam Keane
Board Member Absent: Brett Gantt
HRW Representative: Vera Mason
Call to order 7:09
Quorum Established
Open Forum Attendee: none
Additions or Changes to the Agenda: Pool Committee added discussion of pool cover, bike rack and trespassing signage
- Approval of Minutes – July 25th, 2016 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Operating Fund Balance – $31,328.65.
- Reserve Cash Account – $13,611.35
- Total expenses are over budget $4,821.08.
- Net Income is over budget $443.99.
- Reserve Income is over budget $5,004.93, due to $5k from operating 2015-year end
- Reserve Expenses is over budget $37,304, due to pool upgrades
- Management Report
- Delinquent accounts – 5 owners still outstanding; 1 account sent Title Search demand letter.
- Resales – 9 resales year-to-date.
- Committees
- Social – board discussed a request from a homeowner to move/hold any neighborhood Halloween celebration on Saturday, Oct 29th rather than Monday the 31st. The Social committee chair (Lauren) had requested Board input on dates for the Fall Festival/Chili Cook-off, and also made mention of plans to have Halloween parade on 31st. Board’s recommendation is to consolidate the parade and fall festival/chili cook-off to be held on Oct 29th, with the parade kicking off the party at 4:30pm.
- Communications – skipped due to Brett’s absence
- Architectural – 1 request to paint a door adjudicated by committee since last meeting.
- Pool
- Card reader – Vera getting quotes for a new card reader for 2017 (wed enabled models)
- Pool cover – Mary Lou recommended purchasing/installing a pool cover to protect our investment in pool resurfacing from leaves/debris. Board concurs and Vera will obtain competitive quotes for expedited review/approval by the Board so that install can occur ASAP.
- Bike rack – potential bike rack option presented, to be deferred to 2017; install pre-pool opening, and surround with mulch
- Signage – no trespassing during dusk to dawn hours; Mary Lou getting final quotes; some permitting involved and request for police to monitor
- New Business
- Attorney opinion on Peakway CSX – Board is not going to file suit; will follow up with affected homeowners, offer support, and offer to meet in advance of future public forums by Town to which homeowners would be given notice/invite to attend.
- Whitehall Village entrance sign on Grappenhall – The Board will consider helping with the cost of the Grappenhall signage as long as Whitehall “Manor” is included with “Village”
- Memorial Path – discussion of feedback and easement concerns from Town; Vera will follow up with town on whether ADA compliance is required as well as a site variance request; Vera will prompt potential contractor to finally come out and give design/location opinion. Should the path extend over the public sewer easement and encroachment agreement will need to be submitted with the Town. The Board does not plan for the path to extend to the easement.
- 2017 Budget – Vera presented the draft 2017 budget for review and discussion; Vera will make a few changes and e-mail to the Board for e-mail vote to approve.
- 2017 Assessment – Board, upon review of draft 2017 budget, decided there will be no dues/assessment increase for 2017.
Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 28th, 2016.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:52. Seconded. Motion carried.