Whitehall Manor HOA Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, September 27, 2018 – 7:00pm – 1002 Cuddington Ct.
Board Members in Attendance: Shawn Gukelberger, Katey Pauls, Michael Beahm, Jim Looney
Board Member Absent: Amanda Fletcher, Gary Lamach, Andy Doyle
HRW Representative: Vera Mason
Call to order 7:06
Quorum Established
Open Forum Attendee: none
- Approval of Minutes – July 16, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting minutes were approved. Motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Operating Fund Balance – $21,074.60
- Reserve Cash Account – $30,402.46
- Management Report
- 11 accounts haven’t paid for July
- 10 resales this year
- 105 owners have joined Town Square
- Committees
- Social: Octoberfest this year. Possible bounce house, possible face painter.
- Communications: Working towards a more cohesive message, working towards centralized location for info for neighborhood. Jim Looney is lead on this.
- Architectural: Non-compliant homeowner will be called to hearing.
- Welcome committee, Luke is delivering to the new homeowners.
- Pool: Moving towards concreting the grass, getting quotes.
- Business
- Donna Huckle fund to put a planter in by pool house, postponed til later this year.
- Looking at new pool management company bids. Will make decision on pool management after bids.
- Swing set for play ground in discussion. Board approved roughly $1,250.00.
- Discussion of removal of grass from the pool area have contracts for this.
- Revisiting landscaping company
- Motion for approve an increase in dues by 10%. Voted. All in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting: To Be Announced.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:48 pm. Seconded. Motion carried.