Whitehall Manor 2020 Pool Season Opening Delayed

Dear Whitehall Manor Homeowners,

The Whitehall Manor Board of Directors and Associa HRW have been in communication with pool experts, legal counsel, and insurance carriers. They have carefully monitored the COVID-19 situation.

On Wednesday May 20th, 2020 the governor announced his Phase II plan to reopen businesses and facilities in North Carolina. The board has reviewed these new requirements and guidelines extensively with management.

The Whitehall Manor Board of Directors has followed the advice of counsel and voted to delay the opening of the pool facility until those necessary safety measures can be met. The board and management are working closely with the pool management company to ensure that the necessary
materials and procedures are in place as soon as possible.

At this time, the board is unable to secure the necessary services that would allow the pool to open. They continue to work with Management towards a resolution that complies with legal guidance and satisfies financial constraints.

Please note that because of the state’s restriction on the number of people allowed on the pool deck, we will not be selling pool access to residents outside of Whitehall Manor this season. It is possible that this will be reevaluated at such time that current requirements are altered.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will update residents as new information arises. Please contact community manager Brian Nash of Associa HRW if you have questions or concerns.

Sincerely on behalf of the Whitehall Manor Board of Directors,

Brian Nash
Community Manager – Associa H.R.W. Management